A parody of Jizz in My Pants...but with crap lyrics (as requested) white chalk...from across the room takin' my exam, have to finish soon left this morning, no time to pooo too focused on this test that i have to do make my way through the multiple choice the sweat on my brow is very moist takin' my time on number 8 my stomach feels sick from the food i ate look at the clock, and i get a chill stop what im doing and i go still working hard to find the answer until my but cheeks open against my will and i CRAP in my pants people look around and say, "whats that smell?" no doubt it must've been that taco bell was about to finish my test on france and now i CRAPPED in my pants what i thought was about to be some gas turned out the be a brown brick from my ass walked up to the teacher and grabbed a pass clenched my cheeks and left... Driving on the street, goin real fast looking at all the cars i drive past zoom by the last exit for 20 miles if i dont go soon ill be sitting in piles and i CRAP in my pants gettin in shape, runnin on the track workin real hard for the six pack about to finish in record time and i CRAPPED in my pants last week...i drank some milk as i recall...it was spoiled milk unscrewed the lid and took a sip eyes bulged out and i bit my lip and i CRAPPED in my pants cleaning up the house, gotta clear the clutter up until my ass churns the dooo dooo butter the house is a mess but bout to get worse cause i CRAPPED in my pants when i met your parents for the very first time i...CRAPPED in my pants i downed a large mocha late and i...CRAPPED in my pants i was rocking out in guitar hero and i...CRAPPED in my pants when obama won i...CRAPPED in my pants i went(crap in my pants) uhhh guys is this really appropriate?? i crap right in my pants every time i eat chili and i cant help the fact that i cant hold back a dukee you ask me whats that smell? i reply it's my feces. i wear a diaper at all times, it's a necessity cause i crap in my pants